
Why The Resounding?

Obviously, the last name is a give-away. Is it possible to have the last name Bell, and not have it turned into a pun? I once had a standing bet with a friend that he could not come up with a new (to me) insult or pun involving my last name...I suppose that bet still stands.

John Donne
was an Anglican priest who lived in the early days of the Anglican church around the turn of the century in 1600. Most of his poetic work was published posthumously, but he is famous for his sermons and meditations as well. His 17th meditation is the famous "No man is an island" text.

Donne represents an era to me -- the reformation (both protestant and catholic) where the church (and the western world, really) refocused it's vision on the truth and on taking that truth to others. The Resounding encapsulates the ideas of truth ringing out as a bell, a loud one that everyone can hear. It is also a re-sounding of my beliefs, the echo of my heart and mind, translated onto paper (or screen). I hope that echo reaches your ears(eyes).

As Donne wrote: "...never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

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